Tyre wear and tear is inevitable, unfortunately. Depending on the car, certain axels will wear out faster than the the other. Most cars today are front wheel drive and front engine mounted which usually means the front tyres wear faster than the rear.
Rotating your tyres will ensure even tread wear, allowing them to last longer. At Mega Mag and Tyres, we rotate the rear and front sets of tyres as well as swop the left and right tyres around, this ensures even tyre tread wear.
Depending on the type of car you drive, we typically recommend you do this every 10,000 km.
Tyre Puncture Repairs
We offer quick and reliable tyre puncture repairs.
If the puncture damage is straightforward and that the puncture hole is not too big, we will happily undertake the repair for you.
We offer the following professional and reliable fitment services:
Tyre fitment Rims and wheel fitment Ball joint fitment Tie rod fitment Rack ends fitment
Wheel Alignment & Balancing
When there is a directional pull on your steering wheel, forcing you to counter-steer or you have uneven tyre wear then its best to have your wheel alignment checked.
At Mega Mag and Tyre, we will gladly check your Camber angle, Toe angle, Caster angle and readjust your wheels into perfect alignment as well as make sure the wheel balance is as it should be.